Lauren Hilton Lauren Hilton

Need to get back in your Pilates routine? Here’s how…

Six ways to get your body and mind back to the Pilates mat - let's take up those good habits that fell away over the summer break (yes, even mine!!), and move your body intentionally, perhaps with a new perspective, increased energy or sense of resilience. Get back to that Pilates movement that feels good, and relieves your aches and pains.

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Lauren Hilton Lauren Hilton

How to get started with Pilates as a beginner

The ease with which you can slot Pilates into your day combined with the positive impact it can have on your whole health, give it top-of-class movement credentials, but because there are so many ways to practice Pilates, we put together a handy guide of what you should consider before getting started with Pilates!

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Studio, Pilates Moves Lauren Hilton Studio, Pilates Moves Lauren Hilton

Behind the Pilates Moves: Plank

Ever wondered about the why behind some of the Pilates movements you do in class? We delve a little deeper into a move per month so you can learn the benefits of the movements we’re offering our bodies and what those mean for our day-to-day movement and well-being.

Let’s talk about Pilates plank…

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Studio, Pilates Moves Lauren Hilton Studio, Pilates Moves Lauren Hilton

Behind the Pilates Moves: Mermaid

Each month we'll give you the why behind some of the Pilates movements you'll be most familiar with in class, so you can learn the benefits of the movements we’re offering our bodies and what those mean for our day-to-day movement and well-being.

Here we'll talk through Mermaid…

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Studio, Pilates Moves Lauren Hilton Studio, Pilates Moves Lauren Hilton

Behind the Pilates Moves: Pilates Bridging

In each edition of Behind the Moves, we'll give you the why behind some of the movements you're familiar with in class. When we attend a class each week sometimes we're unaware of the benefits of the movements we are offering our bodies and what those mean for our day-to-day movement and wellbeing.

This time we're talking all things Bridging!

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